Thursday, September 18, 2008

1998 Honda Civic vs. Deer

Tuesday morning Jason decided to be a great employee and go to work early to get ahead on somethings. About 10 minutes after he left I heard the garage door open. I went downstairs to find Jason in the kitchen. He said "I have some bad news, I hit a deer.". We have since decided that the deer hit him since the damage is on the side of the car not the front. We looked for the deer and the missing side mirrior but couldn't find either one. Sad. We find out tomorrow if the car can be fixed or if its a total loss. Although we will miss the civic greatly we are soooooo very happy that Jason wasn't hurt. We can do without the car, we cannot do without him.

Yes, that is deer hair you are looking at.


Rosie Moncrief said...

I'll be on the lookout for a deer that has a mirror stuck in its side!! sad!

The Pyper Fam said...

Oh my gosh! That looks like it would have been very scary! I hate accidents, of any kind. The sound of crunching metal is the worst!(you remember my first accident, you were there) :) And especially with a live animal involved! Sad. I hope everything works out!

Trisha said...

So glad your husband is safe...SCARY!

Holly said...

Uuhhhgggg, that hair stuck on the car is a treasure!:) Glad Jason's okay!!!

Shane and Jamie Smith said...

yikes, glad that Jason is okay..that same thing happened to my mom, a deer ran into the side of her car and smashed her car, she was able to get it fixed, I hope you can as well....

Nikki said...

oh wow. glad he is ok.

The Gag-nears said...

the same thing happened to garth on the way to school last year. WE totally feel for you. Our damage wasn't near as bad. It was probably the same Deer. It has it out for us! Be aware!

Autumn said...

Rosie's comment is my favorite.

The Sants said...

Ouch! I'm glad that Jason is ok. Kenyan had a rock flip up and hit his car the other night from a dump truck and had to get the windshield replaced, and I thought ours was bad!! Scary!

Madsen Family said...

Yikes a deer! What do you call a blind deer? No eye-deer. (Get it, no idea--in case you were wondering, that's Josh's favorite joke). That is one serious deer. I can't believe that damage. I am glad that Jason is okay and I hope you get a good deal on the car. Josh hit a deer once while we were driving to Steamboat in the big Mad-7 van. I was sitting on the seat and landed plop onto his mother, who was lying on the floor of the van in front of me(neither of us in seatbelts--shame on us). Plus, when I landed on top of his mom, I may have let one teeny, tiny swear word slip out of my mouth--apparently rather loudly since everyone in the car heard it. But hey, hitting deer is a scary thing. You can't blame me for swearing. Come to think of it, all my car accidents have been in that van. It's a good thing Adele (Josh's mom) sold it to a rock band. Oh, the good times in that van....Anyway, I digress. Good luck with the car insurance! Glad everyone's all right...

Anna said...

Oh my word!!! I can't believe the damage to the infamous green civic. I am glad Jason is okay, that is crazy. We want to visit you guys soon or meet in the middle and go camping sometime soon.

carolina said...

OUCH! Glad Jason is ok. If he were gone, who would spit in my eye??? :)

Jenny said...

MMMM, venison, I bet that deer was huge! Glad he's o.k.

Kerrie said...

happy to hear that Jason is okay.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow! That's some damage!! Glad Jason is okay. Dave always tells me to hit the deer and not swerve away from it. I don't know what I'd do.I am always worried about hitting a deer on my way to the church. Their are quite a few out in the winter and the winding curves around the river make it hard to see them. Yikes!! Good luck with the car:)

Jeff and Erika Mitchell said...

Holy crap that's scary. My parents live out in the boonies and there are deer everywhere. Glad your husband is fine. We got hit by a school bus once while our car was parked in the parking lot!