On august 17th Jason turned 30!! In May he realized he was going to be 30 and started to freak out. He decided that running a half marathon would be a good way to celebrate. You would think that would mean he started to train everyday right. Nope, he ran a few times a week about 4 miles each time. I think his longest training run was 7ish miles. So the day of the big run I was secretly a bit scared for him. He went super early with his brother Shane and sister in-law Brenda. I packed the girls up a few hours later to wait by the finish line. Here they are patiently waiting for daddy to run by.
Olivia kept asking,"when is daddy coming?". I kept saying,"well it might be awhile.". Brenda had run a half a few months before and finished in just over 2 hours, so I figured with little training Jason would come in after that. To my surprise I looked up just in time to see him round the corner towards the finish line. He finished in 1 hour and 48 minutes!!!! Not only had he finished, but he did amazing! He came in before Shane and Brenda which I know he loved. I am so proud of him and still a little annoyed that he did so awesome with hardly training.
I am jealous of people who can do anything with little effort!!!! (Especailly when it comes to running! 4 miles was my best and that took some working up to!)
I am so excited you updated your blog :) I am still mad at Jason for hardly training and wasting my hard earned training time :)
Yeah! A post from cookie! :) That is awesome that he did so great! Totally annoying that he did so good without any training! :) But still awesome, tell him we are very proud of him! :) Miss you!
Good to see you are still alive:) I can't believe how amazing your husband did in that half marathon! WOW!
I hate it when people can just do something and beat everyone else without trying!:) Great job to your husband. Your girls are so big and so adorable. I love the picture of Olivia on the grass. She looks so happy to be there.;)
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