I got stuck with Yoda.
Typical saturday morning.
Like most kids Olivia and Mya love the park. My parents have a great one up the road from their house. It will be more fun this summer now that Mya can walk.
When I get a quiet moment, which are far and few between, this is how I like to spend some of my time.
This not so little guy has lived by one of the upstairs windows for the past 2 years or so. If you've seen our house its a long way up to the window he made his home so we never made the effort to get him down. Jason decided on day it was time for the spider to go so he made the climb up and got him down. As you can see its huge! I felt really bad about killing it since hes never caused any problems so I went inside while the deed was done.
Jason's parents bought some land up Spanish Fork Canyon last winter so we spent a lot of time up there during the summer. Theres water and power so they parked the trailer up there so when we went up we had all the comforts of home. The best way to camp with little ones! I usually forgot the camera but here are a few pictures from the last time we went up. On one of our drives we found this tree and of course Jason had to hang on it.
On our way up we stopped to get some donuts and boy did we enjoy them!